To go or not to go?
To stay or not to stay?
To leave or not to leave?
Why is life so difficult for me?
Is it just me, or is it difficult for you too?
Am I the only one who faces forks in the roads?
Am I the only one who has to make painful choices?
I want to make the "right" decision,
But, I am not sure there is such a thing. what works for me & follow the Golden Rule. what works for me, while I ponder, "What Would Jesus Do?"
That Girl, Ang
November 2008
You're not alone. Life can be difficult and you're not the only one who has to make painful choices.
Just remember, God does not put more on us than we can handle. Don't ask for fewer burdens - ask for broader shoulders!
PS I'm diggin' that song "LOVE" by Jasmine Sullivan! Oh yeah, that's my kind of groove *smiles*
Darling your not alone? Life does entail some pretty hard decision making which sucks ;o) in moments like that i revert to wishing i was a child again!lol I will be praying for you as you make your decisions.
thank you for youe lovely comment on the vintage post.I ADORE Curtis Mayfield!!!!great playlist my dear,great playlist.
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